Monday, March 29, 2010

Smyslov passes away - Chess News - World Champion Vasily Smyslov dies at 89

Sad news. One of the all-time greats. A quote from the ChessBase page.

"Smyslov was always known for his positional style and his extraordinary
abilities. He was also a great combinational player, and in his games
we find
many spectacular tactical shots. In the opening he made important
to the English, Grünfeld, Ruy Lopez and Sicilian."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Technical Documentation Macintosh Stories: Inside Macintosh

This story gives 2 examples of technical writers. The second writer is a very good example of what an excellent technical writer should be. Besides just documenting, in trying to understand this writer challenged the developers to develop a much better product!

Mac Folklore documented Macintosh Stories

Some fantastic stories about fantastic, dedicated people, and all things Mac!

The early days of computing ...

The Secret Origin of Windows

Interesting story. Elicited some interesting comments as well ... "A wonderful CYA article that totally omits the known thefts and copying done by MS." & "... Microsoft, while there are plenty of things I can say about it, was not the only one doing the thieving or the copying."

"Real Artists Ship!"

Why Apple doesn’t do “Concept Products”

The difference between creating concept products to capture the market's imagination (i.e. imply that you are the market's thought leader), or actually creating a shipping product that spawns new markets and desires (i.e. become the actual market, new and sometimes the old as well, leader).

Real life use of Clojure

hackers-with-attitude: How a Clojure pet project turned into a full-blown cloud-computing web-app

Pretty interesting. This is a full-blown enterprise level type of application, and not just a toy app. Presentation is quite through in explaining the motivations and reasons behind the choice, and how to integrate easily in to the Google-scape.